Disclaimer & Waiver

By registering for events on this website you agree to this Disclaimer and Waiver, and assume all risk for yourself, your family, those under your care, and those you have ordered tickets for (hereinafter “my party”) participating in the MILA Retreat (hereinafter “activity”). Without checking the 'Agree' button on the registration page my party will be unable to participate in the activity. I acknowledge that the above activity may pose some risk of death, sickness, personal injury and/or property loss and that I undertake and assume all risk.

On behalf of my party I further waive and release the promoters of the activity, any insuring entity of the above, and their directors, board members, officers, employees, volunteers, agents, representatives, or assigns, as well as the activity sponsors (hereinafter “the organizers”), from any and all liability, including, but not limited to, liability arising from negligence or fault of the entities or persons for any death, sickness, injury or disability which may occur as a result of my party’s participation in the above activity.

I am assuming all risks on behalf of my party that may arise from negligence or carelessness on the part of any of the persons or entities being released, as well as from defective equipment, real property or personal property that is owned, maintained or controlled by the above persons.

I certify that my party is physically fit, free from transmissible diseases (such as COVID 19), and sufficiently prepared for participation in the activity and that there are no health-related reasons or problems which would preclude the participation of my party in the activity. I have not been advised of any reason which would limit my party from participating in the activity.

I consent to receive any medical treatment deemed advisable for any injury to my party during the activity and that any medical or other insurance for my party will be insurance of first resort before contribution by any other insurance for any other person or entity, including accidental death and dismemberment insurance and accident medical insurance.

I shall defend, hold harmless, and indemnify the organizers from and against all losses, claims, damages, costs, or expenses (including reasonable legal fees, or similar costs) in connection with any action or claim brought or made (or threatened to be brought or made), for, or on account of any death, sickness, injuries or damages, received or sustained by my party arising during the course of the activity.

This agreement constitutes the sole and only agreement between all parties concerning my party and my release and indemnification as a condition for participating in this activity. Any prior agreements, whether oral or in writing, shall be void and of no further effect. This agreement may not be modified.

I certify that I have read this document, and I fully understand its contents. I am aware that this is a release and indemnification of liability for my party, and I agree to it of my own free will.